Guidelines to Preform Umrah:
1. You have to be fully vaccinated.
2. No Umrah visa for under 18 years of age.
3. Only USA and Canadian Citizen authorized to preform Umrah.
4. Before Arriving in Saudi Arabia you have to provide PCR test taken no more than 72 hours before departure.
5. Mandatory – Must download apps Tawakkalna, Eatmarna and Muqeem to preform Umrah and pray in Masjid-Al-Haram. No Entry without the app.
6. Saudi Sim card with data is compulsory to download the apps.
7. Must have original certificate of your vaccine record certified by health officials at all time. No copies or fake records will be accepted.
8. All Airlines tickets and hotel reservations are non-refundable.
9. Need to have a PCR test 72hr before the return departure to USA or Canada.
10. Yaseen Hajj will not responsible for any quarantine expenses or schedule changes in airline tickets due to COVID-19.
All Umrah packages are subject to travel mandates, restrictions and regulations may change at any time. These are not only limited to entrance into KSA from specific countries, proof of vaccination, COVID-19 rules and regulations, limitations on occupancy in hotels, limitations to dining in restaurants, limitations on movement within Saudi Arabia, limitations on entering Haram and limitations on performing more than one Umrah, limitations on age, etc. Yaseen Hajj will not be responsible for any issues due to your negligence and failure to follow rules.